Every year, Estonian households generate around 400,000 tonnes of waste, or 300 kg of waste per person. Pursuant to the Waste Act, the separate collection of waste is mandatory in Estonia for both private and apartment buildings.

Estonia has set an objective to recycle at least 50% of paper, metal, plastic, and glass waste from households, other separately collected waste, and waste from other sources as of 2020.

Why is sorting trash so important?

For example, the manufacturing of paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, and glass uses up large amounts of energy, water, and other resources – recycling materials helps to preserve these resources and give the packaging a new life.

  • Plastic bottles are recycled into new plastic bottles, floor boards, garden furniture, garden posts, fleeces, and even football shirts.
  • Waste paper can be turned into new paper and cardboard, egg cartons, notebooks, newspapers, toilet paper, wrapping paper, etc.
  • Glass bottles become new bottles and jars, vases, platters, bowls, and other glass products. Tin cans are used for new cans, car parts, construction workpieces, screws and nuts, pipes, containers, fences, and tools.

Why choose packaging collection containers for the apartment building?

Municipal waste must be sorted where they are generated. This ensures the higher quality of waste and better opportunities for recycling.

It also brings about the significant reduction in the amount of municipal waste, which means lower costs for the removal of municipal waste.

Why order a packaging collection container from Pakendiringlus?

There are only a few public containers to which people could take their sorted waste. Often enough, a long walk or a drive is required to reach them. With the help of Pakendiringlus, packaging collection containers can be ordered directly to the apartment building, making the sorting of waste much more convenient for the residents.

Order packaging collection containers for your apartment building as well. The service includes:

  • Paid rental of a packaging collection container
  • Emptying the container pursuant to the emptying schedule
  • Sorting instructions for the information board of the apartment building





  • Leasing a container from Eesti Keskkonnateenused AS: €4.22 per month (incl. VAT)
  • Packaging transportation fee: €5,94 for each time (incl. VAT)


Eesti Pakendiringlus OÜ organises the sorting and recycling of packaging.


Do you wish to sign a contract and order the container? You can do that here: SIGN A CONTRACT



Sorting trash is actually not difficult. Here are some of the most common questions and answers.

FAQ: how and what to sort?

What kind of trash is a plastic bag, or where should it be sorted? A plastic bag is a type of packaging. It is called non-reusable packaging.

Where should I sort a bottle that does not have a deposit emblem and cannot be returned as deposit-subjected packaging? It is a type of packaging and it should go into the packaging collection container.

What is municipal waste? The municipal waste collection containers are for things you use at home. Almost nothing goes in there. Rather, let us say that everything biological goes into the biodegradable waste collection container, packaging belongs to the packaging collection container, paper to the paper and cardboard collection container, and everything else to the mixed municipal waste collection container. Municipal waste includes things that are generated at home, such as baking paper left over from baking a cake – that is, things that have been consumed at home and are dirty.

What kind of trash is a plastic bag, or where should it be sorted? A plastic bag is a type of packaging. It is called non-reusable packaging.

Do I have to wash cans and sour cream packaging before throwing them away? When handling waste, it is important for the materials to not make each other dirty.
Two rules apply here. The first rule is that the packaging should be as empty as possible. Although a yoghurt cup cannot be completely scraped clean with a spoon, the packaging should be made as empty as possible.

The second rule states that it should not make other packaging dirty. If you have made sure that it does not make other packaging dirty, it does not have to be washed. However, there are types of packaging you should wash.

What if something other than packaging is thrown into the packaging collection container? If the majority of the apartment building sorts their waste, but someone throws something in the packaging collection container that does not belong there, it will be treated as mixed municipal waste.

It is important to explain here that if you are not sure where something belongs, the trash should be thrown into the mixed municipal waste.

Good to know: if you are not sure, put the trash in the mixed municipal waste collection container, because that you are paying for one way or another. However, if you are sure which container the trash goes to, then sort.

You can find more detailed information about what waste belongs in the different containers here: SORTING INSTRUCTIONS