Packaging undertakings can reduce their expenditure if the company also generates packaging or packaging waste internally, e.g. in the warehouse, production, etc.
This includes the packaging around raw materials, the packaging waste generated in the course of repacking in the warehouse, such as wooden pallets, the film which the pallets are wrapped in, carton boxes, vessels, canisters, etc.
The packaging must be empty, dry, and collected separately by different types of material.
If the company generates a lot of packaging in the production or warehouse, it would be reasonable to consider renting a bale press for making pressed cardboard or film bales. Sending this clean, pressed material directly to recycling may even generate some income from the material for the company.
Eesti Pakendiringlus is prepared to propose a suitable suggestion for you, either equipping the company with containers of sufficient dimensions or a press of the required size and capacity. We will also offer the most optimal logistical solution for you.